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The road lays always before your feet; the rose always so red in the sky that you can see but cannot reach...

Within everyone's heart, there is a rose. It is the most poetic dream in human love, a myth that never ends, a pure, noble, and unique existence for every artist's creative journey. If we are walkers on the ground, experiencing all kinds of emotions and scenes in human life; the artists, who have already transcended time and space, can create stories within stories as they admire dreams within dreams on their artistic height.

Art is certain mythic scenery that floats through time and space. It sometimes goes deep in our daily life, it is nature embracing, self-healing, and it helps people to have the strength to pursue again. With Wang Pan-Youn, you can see the flame of life burning in each painting and twisted emotions transforming into mysterious colors and mystic space. His sadness achieves a pure and persisting heart which chases constantly for the red sun, and that presents what is real in life. With Wu Hao, you can feel the intense feeling with his blooming roses; his roses are so many that seems spreading out from the frame. With Jang Tarng-Kuh, you can see the real colors and postures of the earth: green cabbage that curves like a rose, in the pond or from the ground flowers' buds and bloom shine with dew and butterfly. Each element in his works is a theatrical display of little happiness in life.

Hearing beautiful and unseeable melody is sometimes more realistic. Wu Tien Chang's works are always intriguing. In his works "Farewell Spring-Autumn Pavilion" you can see helm wheel, lifebuoy, fishing net, sea star, sea bird, etc. constructing the image of sea voyage. The model, dressing in navy blue and white, wearing a thin mask of strong make up, is docile but stiff with gothic air. White gloves on his hands, exaggerating a faraway tenderness, his image turns into an eternal moment and preserves the surreal scenery. It's dreamy yet realistic, a magic show of time, like memories that we have to say goodbye but don't want to, changing constantly as it turns into an indescribable romance, glamorous, sinister, and fantastic.

Keng Hao-Kang can express romantic thoughts within rational frames. He can render big long narratives into delicate simple one. His way of presentation goes freely between realistic and imaginative; it is life-transcending and surrealistic as it balances the contradictions caused by paralleling different times. Kuo Bo-Chou's use of multi-media allows his lines, color blocks, and figures to communicate harmoniously with each other. For him, between deconstructions and reconstructions there are many hidden emotions to be elevated. Thus you can feel from his presentation how the artist has worked so delicately to demonstrate the complicate and sophisticate mind. In the works of Fan Chiang Ming-Tao, you can see charming and modern lines, stretching horizontally as they are searching for infinite possibility. All the tranquil curves and tones can present the lines of life and mark the transition between old and new. Even common people have certain dream for extreme happiness, though the pursue of it may be hidden and secret. To face the real world, they will depict an ego with prowess, challenging the limits of imagination so that they can elevate the altitude of life. Liao Yu-An's use of color can induce emotions. Although the faces he has painted may be simple and emotionless, the actions and colors can point out successfully the characters' feelings, such as anxiety, melancholy, and depression. And, the colorful band-aid to cover the little wounds may indicate a positive solution.

Choe U-Ram has fused gracefully humanist aesthetics and modern technology. He conjures warmth, soul, and life for his mechanic works with literary touch. As his "Una Lumino Callidus" blooms tranquilly, from dim to bright, the lights transcend spaces, time, and thoughts. He has evoked possible from impossible, creating myth to amaze our life.

April is fascinating, since Metaphysical Art Gallery's sky blooms with beautiful imaginations. Each flower will stand for a magnificent life's trace of an artist. We invite you to our sky, to the spiritual journey in a space of enchantment. "Look Up Rose from the Sky" will include 9 artists: Wang Pan-Youn, Wu Hao, Fan Chiang Ming-Tao, Wu Tien-Chang, Kuo Bo-Chou, Keng Hao-Kang, Jang Tarng-Kuh, Liao Yu-An, and Choe U-Ram.


Keng Hao Kang / Tower / 100x40cm / 2014/ Acrylic on Board Mixed Media Collage


Keng Hao Kang/ For Zebra 6/ 36x84cm /2013 / Acrylic on Board Mixed Media
Wu Tien Chang / Farewell My Pavilion - Voyage / 60x60 cm / 2016 / Mixed Media
Wu Tien Chang / Farewell My Pavilion - Ocean / 50x50 cm / 2016 / Mixed Media

Choe U Ram / Una Lumino Callidus / 265x40x165(h)cm / 2015 / Metallic material, machinery, electronic device(CPU board, motor, LED), polycarbonate

Jang Tarng Kuh / Evoking Spring / 162x112cm / 2015-2016/ Oil on Canvas

Jang Tarng Kuh / Green Rose / Diameter 106cm/ 2015-2016 / Oil on Canvas
Jang Tarng Kuh/ Just Passing by Jian-Nan/ 120x120cm/ 2015 / Oil on Canvas

Liao Yu An / From Where the Wind Blows / 130x162cm/ 2015 / Acrylic on Canvas

Liao Yu An/ Failed Love Song/ 160x80cm/ 2015/ Acrylic on Canvas

Liao Yu An / Song of a Suitor / 80x160cm / 2015 / Acrylic on Canvas

Kuo Bo Chou/ Counterpart/ 90x90cm / 2015 / Mixed Media

Kuo Bo Chou / Duo Dance/ 90x90cm/ 2015 / Mixed Media

Fan Chiang Ming-Tao/ Lines 1304 / 45x90cm / 2013 / Acrylic on Canvas

Fan Chiang Ming-Tao/ Lines 1407/ 96x130cm/ 2014 / Acrylic on Canvas

Wang Pan Youn/ A Dog in the Forest /24x33cm /1996 / Oil on Canvas
Wang Pan Youn / Beautiful Shadow / 65x53cm / 1995 / Oil on Canvas

Wu Hao / Spring Hunting / 128x128cm / 2011 / Oil on Canvas

Wu Hao / Blooming Month in the Spring Breeze / 64x160cm 2005 / Oil on Canvas
*Show Room

