Gary Baseman
渴望而死 Dying of Thirst
2007 68.6 x 116.8 cm
壓克力、木板 Acrylic on Wood panel
Gary Baseman
榮耀與慾望的戰場  The Battlefield of Glory and Desire
2007 68.6 x 116.8 cm
壓克力、木板 Acrylic on Wood panel
Gary Baseman
捉迷藏 Hide and Seek
2007 68.6 x 116.8 cm
壓克力、木板 Acrylic on Wood panel
Buddy Chub
2007 81 x 40 x 40 cm
鋁、釉料 Aluminum、Enamel paint
Popa & Piyo
2007 51 x 40 x 40 cm
鋁、木頭、釉料 Aluminum、Wood、Enamel paint